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miércoles, 20 de enero de 2016

Simple PayPal Shopping Cart Settings v 4.1.6

Step 1) To add an 'Add to Cart' button for a product simply add the shortcode [wp_cart_button name="PRODUCT-NAME" price="PRODUCT-PRICE"] to a post or page next to the product. Replace PRODUCT-NAME and PRODUCT-PRICE with the actual name and price of your product.

Example add to cart button shortcode usage:

[wp_cart_button name="Test Product" price="29.95"]
Step 2) To add the shopping cart to a post or page (example: a checkout page) simply add the shortcode [show_wp_shopping_cart] to a post or page or use the sidebar widget to add the shopping cart to the sidebar.

Example shopping cart shortcode usage:

PayPal and Shopping Cart Settings

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